Salam & hello to all heart and soul that love flying.
Welcome to my blog. I have been thinking to pen my paramotor adventure for sometime but never get time to actually do it. Previously I did publish my weekly adventure and activities at, but due to virus attacked to that site I unable to continue to publish my writing there.
Tho our national language is Bahasa Malaysia (BM), this time I like to write it in English to allow more people to read my article and make constructive comment. I may mixs some of my posting with my previous article in BM I had posted elsewhere. The other reason of setting up this blog is to share information with paramotor pilot from outside Malaysia about my beautiful country and the friendly people living here.
So how should I begin...
Paramotor is relatively new sport activity which start gaining popularity here in Malaysia due to exposure of this sport in the local TV programe, internet, youtube video and also blog site. The number of people doing serious paramotor business is also very few. Article in my blog will touch more on local flying activity with people of similar interest with Malaysian flavored stories,jokes,flying sites and other fun activities. There maybe hit and miss but I do my best to put the story/article together so any person local or non local who got bitten with flying bug can join this fun sport safely. It is an expansive sport to some people to get started but so as golf, motorcross, cycling and go-karting to name some. But to some of us who had foot launched, tasted the air at 300 ~ 400ft, flown around for hours and then soft landed to the ground may tell you that the experience are price less. Once you taste the sky you forever don't want to walk on the ground anymore.
The denying factor for some people is the equipment cost and the fear of height. Due to small market and fully import gear from European Countries and our weak ringgit does not help either to make it affordable. The good things is, there is always choice and way to realize our dream of flying. There are a lots of good used unit which is available for sell with less price. Otherwise we can keep the cost down by buying part of the flying equipment from Thailand. Thais are good in fabricating and copying thing and paramotor engine unit is not excluded from their creative handwork.
On fear of height, this is up to individual. Risk of flying with a paramotor is very low if compared with any other aviation or skysport activity. Unlike skydiving, you are flying an open chute from the start and the activity usually carried out in calm air which ensure safety. Furthermore the paraglider that is used to fly is already flight tested and certified by the world recognized body (ie. DHV,CEN,DULV) for safe flying. After days of training and practice an individual can slowly overcome the fear and start enjoy flying.
I stop for now, I think in my next posting I will write how the flying bug bites me and let the idea evolve from there. Ok see me in my next post.
Thanks for stopping by..
Fly high..
Nice...I like this kind of stuff...How can I join?
en saufi klu tak keberatan bg no contact en saufi supaya senang berkomunikasi tentang masalah nie sy pun hadapi br nie apa2 just me email to me at ( about Savvy )
Salam en saufi klu tak keberatan bg no contact en supa senang berkomunikasi tentang masalah nie sy pun hadapi br nie apa2 just me email to me at